TEL: 01228 545156
For general enquiries including opening times, body piercing and laser removal services
(please note we don't take bookings for tattoos over the phone)
For ALL piercing enquiries please call the shop or message the Piercings at Mike's Facebook page
EMAIL: [email protected]
For tattoo bookings and general tattoo enquiries
To get you booked in faster for tattoo appointments please include ALL the following information:
- A detailed description of your idea (include reference photos if you have them)
- Size of the tattoo in inches or centimetres
- Desired placement on the body (include photos if there are existing tattoos to work around)
- Style (colour, black and grey, dotwork etc)
- Days you're available (you may need to be flexible)
For cover-ups please include clear photos of the tattoo you wish to cover. All appointments require a non-refundable deposit and we will not book you in without one. Please also remember to bring valid ID with you - either a current passport (we cannot accept expired) or a provisional/full drivers license.
Piercings are a walk-in service - you do not need to call/email to book in. Please bring photo ID with you if you're over 16, otherwise you will need to bring a parent.
Opening hours
Tues 11:00 - 17:00
Weds 11:00 - 17:00
Thurs 11:00 - 17:00
Fri 11:00 - 17:00
Sat 10:30 - 17:00